Top Things Every Small Business Needs in 2014

Got a great idea? Thinking of starting your own small business with it? Well, it's the new year. What better time to start than now? Starting your own business can be hard work. There's all sorts of things to consider, like who to hire, how to market, and most importantly, where to start. Don't worry though. We're here to help you out. When starting a business, its a good to lay the groundwork first, and that starts by laying down the furniture. Today's post highlights the top things every new business ought to have in 2014!


Consider Your Business Needs

Before starting your small business or shopping for furniture, take plenty of time to consider things. Try to think of all the facets of your business. What will different employees be doing? Will you have in-house customers or guests? How much space will you need? As the business owner, it's your job to know what your business will do, and shop accordingly. Try to think about the activity levels in each office or room. In places of high activity, its likely people won't have the time to sit down for a while so luxury is probably not vital. Clunky furniture will get in the way of people walking, so standing desks are probably better than sitting desks in these sorts of environments. In places of low activity, it's the opposite. Comfortable chairs are a must for people that sit down all day and large desks are likely more useful. Owning the business means knowing it inside and out. If you need help deciding what to get, ask your employees for their opinions. You may get some great ideas you never would have considered otherwise!

Ergonomic Chairs

22011 RFM Verte Ergonomic Chair

This is definitely a biggie. Trying to start a new business, whatever it may be, is hard enough without trying to tackle terrible furniture. Choosing task chairs with ergonomic design is definitely a better way to go than keeping rickety old office chairs you've had since the 90s. These days, most people know that the benefits of comfort go beyond, well, comfort. Most ergonomic chairs are scientifically proven to improve office efficiency and work ethic by relieving common office aches like back pain. Few people realize that there are ergonomic chairs out there designed to relieve all sorts of unique problems like joint pain, poor circulation, tense muscles, and even poor digestion. In fact, ergonomic chairs like the 22011 Verte Ergonomic Chair by RFM are often heralded as the most comfortable chairs in existence because so many of them boast features that conform to the spine's natural movement. When starting your new business, consider what you'll be doing. Will you be working at a computer? Will you have employees? Guests? If so, chances are they'll like to have comfortable chairs. Going with ergonomic mesh chairs for office use is a great way to seat everyone comfortably that won't break your budget. Overtime, you may be surprised to find everyone in a better mood because they aren't distracted by discomfort!

Good Desks

Mayline e5 4 User Workstation

Here's another big step that actually takes quite a bit of consideration before starting your new business this year. Choosing the right office desk can be a big challenge that could potentially cost you thousands. When choosing your office desk, consider your environment. Do you have a small office space or a large one? In a tiny space, its a better idea to go with small computer desks for office use since they're generally more compact. Executive desks are better for large spaces since they're impressive and provide more room to get things done. Another thing that should never be looked over are employees. If they need desks too, try to consider how many will be needed and what designs would be better for employees with unique jobs. Modular workstations like the E53 Custom 4 User Workstation by Mayline can house numerous individuals comfortably in a relatively small space. However, for those who prefer closed desk configurations, cubicles can also make a nice alternative. Today's models even come with windows so employees get the privacy they need without feeling so trapped.


Office Accessories
Accessories are a great asset to an up and coming business. This year, most businesses will likely make use of the great inventions of 2013, and keep an eye out for 2014's own business-booming ideas. Things like ergonomic monitor arms for computers and CPU holders have already proven their worth in small and large businesses all across the nation. While monitor arms allow users to adjust their computer screen so they don't have to lean over desks or strain to see their computer, CPU holders mount under desks to keep hard drives out of the way and out of danger. Both of these items are ergonomic, meaning they have been scientifically designed to improve the comfort, efficiency, and productivity of the average workplace. Choosing to neglect the benefits of great office accessories like these can leave any new small business struggling to keep up.

Go High Tech

Hi Tech Office Equipment
Once a technology is invented, there's no going back. 2014 is likely to produce all sorts of great technological inventions that companies everywhere will flock to make use of. To give your new business a fighting chance, make sure you stay up to date on all the latest apps and devices for marketing and business purposes. iPads make great tools for business use as there are tons of great apps for marketing strategies and keeping track of business productivity. Card reader cubes are wonderful for  small workplaces of high activity as they allow users to scan customer cards right on the spot using a smartphone or other smart tech device. If your small business sees to lots of in-house guests and customers, it's never a bad idea to include affordable flat screen TV mounts in your office. Visitors can watch while they wait for a representative to get to them, and business owners can use them as marketing tools by playing DVDs or Powerpoint presentations that highlight the services of their company. One thing is certain, the new year will definitely see a rise in tech savvy business!

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