Don't Settle for A Boring Reception Area!

As the place where visitors and clients often gather their first impressions, office reception areas and lobbies are super influential. That means having uncomfortable, worn out chairs, boring walls, and terrible interior design is an absolute no-no for these rooms. But what if you aren't a designer? Well, never fear! Today's article is all about how to create an inciting office reception area to stun your guests. Enjoy!

Design A Unique Seating Layout

It may sound weird to start with a seating plan, but once you've accurately measured your space and identified your needs, sketching out a few ideas is always the best way to go. Planning the sort of furniture you want to have around and where it will be placed makes shopping all the easier. This way, you'll know the general size of the sofas, lounge chairs, and other cool modern reception furniture you're looking for. The plans make it easier to decide between the layouts that will work best and the furniture that is needed the most. You may even be able to determine if you've got enough room for something like a television or fish tank to serve as eye-candy for your visitors!

* Here's some cool chair layouts to inspire you:

Space Efficient Seating - Uses strategic placing of seats to get the maximum use out of a space.

Space Efficient Seating

Family Style - Organizes chairs and sofas like a living room, usually around a coffee table.

Couples Style - Good for counseling centers or pediatric offices where visitors usually arrive in twos.

Couples Style

Movie Theatre Style - Perfect for an office with an entertainment center like a television or fish tank.

Movie Theatre Style

Research the Latest Design Trends

Now that you've got a few layouts in mind, it's time to research the latest design trends. When trying to figure out everything ourselves, it's easy to forget there's a whole world out there with designers focused on turning their ideas into trends. Doing a little research helps ensure that your new lobby seating sets turn heads in the workplace. Those that have a better idea of what's popular now will most likely make better guesses about what will be popular tomorrow, and that let's business owners get the most use out of their new furniture. If you're not sure where to start, try speaking with an interior designer or office furniture dealer about what the latest trends are and what furniture has been selling like hotcakes.

Make A Statement with Your Reception Desk

Mayline Aberdeen Reception Desk

If the reception area is the first impression visitors will have of your business, the reception desk is the first impression of that first impression - so it better make an impression! Because the desk is usually the biggest focal point in almost any room, all eyes will be drawn to the reception desk in this case. Consider the look of your office reception area and the surrounding furniture so the looks won't clash, and try to decide if a straight or curved desk would be better. Choosing one from top rated office furniture brands like OFM, Mayline, Cherryman, or a series like Superior Laminate Desking by Offices To Go is a great way to ensure that yours will be top quality and at the forefront of modern style.

Paint with A Purpose

Office Paint

Colors have a deep psychological impact on the mind. In order to get the better influence your guests, it's a good idea to put yourself in their shoes. Try to think about how you want them to feel when they enter your reception area. Do you want them to feel excited? Professional? Cozy? Quirky? Cared for? Then, it's a good idea to read up a bit on color psychology to determine which colors typically evoke those feelings in most people. At the same time, you want to pick a paint that won't clash with the colorful fabric office sofas you've already chosen. Remember that hues and shadows will play a part in the final look. Even if most blues are thought of as peaceful, a brighter hue like teal or aqua can be evoke just as much excitement as pink!

Accents Matter

Accents Matter

Now that your space is all but complete, it's time to do a little decorating! Most people don't realize that accent furniture can play just as big a role as painted walls and chairs can. However, it's the accent furniture that often gives a place a finished look. Before you reopen the reception area, be sure to line hard floors with area rugs and side tables to provide guests a place to set entertainment and refreshments. Remember that not everyone is a magazine reader, so be sure to deck out the walls with some cool art to keep the lookers entertained. If you work in a city, think about adding some plants of small office air purifiers to keep the air fresh and clean. Finish it all off with sophisticated office lighting fixtures to brighten up the space, and your office reception area is ready to wow and receive!

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