5 Ways to Re Purpose Old Home Furniture

So you've just recently upgraded your home. What do you plan to do with all your old furniture? Sell it? Give it away? Why not do something entirely new! Just because those old office desks and sofas look like beat up furniture now doesn't mean they have to stay that way. DIY fanatics all over the globe have made repurposed old furniture into an art form, and so can you with a bit of effort. You've upgraded your house, now here are some great ways to reuse all that furniture!

Ladder into Towel Rack

DIY Ladder Towel Rack

This one's so easy its ridiculous. So you've got an old wooden ladder in the shed that hasn't been used in a hundred years and a bathroom, why not make a cool towel rack? All it takes is a bit of sanding and a paint job if desired, and voila! You've got a hip new towel rack in your bathroom. The best part about this project is that all the steps on the ladder can stylishly hold a ton of towels. If the steps are wide enough, it can even double as a shampoo shelf! The ladder can be placed vertically against the wall with the towels simply draped. Or it can be horizontally like a shelf high up on the wall, so that the towels hang down from the ladder steps. This project has become extremely popular because its so simple and easy to do. It's sure to earn you a host of compliments when you hold the party to show everyone your redone house!

Closet Doors into Shelves

Closet Door Shelves

Here's another easy project thats tons of fun to do. All it takes are some window shutters or old closet doors with slats. Simply angle the doors and open or break some of the slats, then stick a plank of wood through them and you have instant shelving. This project makes a great bookshelf that looks great in any living room or bedroom when completed. You may even decide to put it in the bathroom next to your ladder towel rack so that it can double as a shampoo shelf! The best part about this project is its simplicity, and the fact that your shelving options are only limited by the number of slats on the doors you use. Just be sure the shelves are evenly spaced and that you don't overload them. We don't want your cool new project getting top-heavy and falling over.

Stepladders into Shelves

Stepladder Shelves

Got an old stepladder? Well, you're in luck. Stepladders are one of the greatest repurposed house items around. All it takes is a little sanding, screw tightening, and some painting and these babies can make remarkable shelves and tables. They can be hung on walls to hold trinkets, or left open on the floor to hold even more things. If you like, many of them can become nifty end tables if they're topped with a piece of wood or glass.

Lid Rack Organizer

Lid Rack Mail Sorter

This project from Martha Stewart requires almost no work at all. Sometimes if you want the coolest in office accessories for home use, the best way to get them is to make them yourself! All this project takes is a lid rack or dish rack and you've got an instant organizer for your mail and files. The lid racks can be painted however you like, and they look super cute just about anywhere, from office desks with modern style, to chic entry ways! They're also great recipe holders in the kitchen. To get the most out of your new mail sorter and make things easier to see, be sure to place smaller objects like letters in the front, and bigger things like magazines in the back.

Cabinets in the Garden?

Metal File Cabinet Planter

Looking for a way to spruce up your backyard? Why not make use of those old office file cabinets by turning them into planters like Patrick Beyer? With the advent of computers, things like vertical file cabinets for office use have fallen by the wayside, but that doesn't mean they have to become scrap. In order to turn your office cabinets for storage into cool backyard planters, start first by removing the drawers and cleaning them. Then place the planters on their sides with the open end facing upward and set them on some cinderblocks. Spray paint the cabinets to proof them for the weather (be sure to use outdoor paint if they're wood and special metal paint if they're metal). Then drill some  holes in the bottom for the water to leak through and fill the empty drawers with a landscape fabric to make sure the dirt stays where it should. After that, plant your plants and invite everyone over to see them!

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